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This Law is enacted to protect wild animals, save rare and endangered wild animals, maintain biodiversity and ecological balance, promote the construction of ecological civilization, and promote the harmonious coexistence of human and nature. The Act is divided into five Chapters: General Provisions (I); Conservation of Wild Animals and Their Habitats (II); Wild Animal Administration (III); Legal Responsibility (IV); Supplementary Provisions (V).
Wildlife resources shall be owned by the State (art. 3). The competent forestry, grassland, and fishery departments under the State Council are respectively responsible for the protection of terrestrial and aquatic wildlife throughout the country (art. 7). People's governments at or above the provincial level shall integrate important habitats of wild animals into national parks and natural reserves in accordance with the law to protect, restore, and improve the living environment of wild animals (art. 12). When wildlife under special state or local protection are threatened by a sudden incident such as natural disasters or major environmental pollution incidents, the local people's government shall undertake timely rescue measures (art. 15). The sale, purchase and utilisation of wildlife under special state protection or the products thereof shall be prohibited. Wildlife under special state protection for which there exists established knowledge and techniques for captive breeding may, following scientific deliberation, be included on a list drawn up by the department of wildlife protection under the State Council of captive-bred wildlife under special state protection. The wildlife and products thereof with this special marking may be sold and utilised, providing traceability is guaranteed (art. 27, 28).
According to Article 37, the list of wild animals or their products that are prohibited or restricted from trade under international conventions to which the People's Republic of China is a party shall be formulated, adjusted, and published by the National Administration for the Import and Export of Endangered Species. To import or export wild animals or their products included in the list, or to export wild animals or their products under special state protection, approval shall be obtained from the competent department for wildlife protection under the State Council or the State Council, and a permit for import and export issued by the National Administration for the Import and Export of Endangered Species shall be obtained.
The remaining articles of this Act make provision, inter alia, for hunting, closed areas and seasons, import and export of wildlife, offences and penalties.
The purpose of this Act is protecting wild animals, saving species of wildlife which are rare or near extinction, maintaining biodiversity and ecological balance, and promoting the establishment of ecological civilization. The Act is divided into five Chapters: General Provisions (I); Protection of Wildlife and Their Habitats(II); Wildlife Management (III); Legal Responsibility (IV); Supplementary Provisions (V).
Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Wildlife 2022.
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