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These implementing measures regulate that all the activities of wildlife protection, breeding of species, utilize and develop wildlife resources and scientific research within Fujian Province shall observe the Law of PRC on Wildlife Protection, its Implementation Regulations and these Measures. The explanation of wildlife and wildlife products are given by article 2. In Fujian province 25-31 March are set as the bird caring week, October is set as the month of wildlife protection. Chapter three makes the provisions of wildlife hunting. Chapter 4 concerns the breeding of wildlife, any individual or unit that domesticating or breeding of wildlife must apply for the permission. Chapter 5 provides the rules of keeping live wildlife and the regulations of transport and sell of wildlife products. Remaining provisions are awards and penalties.
These implementing measures regulate that all the activities of wildlife protection, breeding of species, utilize and develop wildlife resources and scientific research within Fujian Province shall observe the Law of PRC on Wildlife Protection, its Implementation Regulations and these Measures. The explanation of wildlife and wildlife products are given by article 2. In Fujian province 25-31 March are set as the bird caring week, October is set as the month of wildlife protection. Chapter three
Wildlife Protection Law implementing Regulations.
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