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The present Rules define the minimum measures to be carried out in the territory of Malta for the control of the fish diseases referred to in Schedule A, lists I and II, attached to European Union Council Directive 91/67/EEC. All farms rearing or keeping fish susceptible to such diseases shall be registered by the official service and shall keep a record of the information prescribed by rule 3. It is compulsory for the suspected presence of any of the list I and list II diseases to be notified as soon as possible to the official service. The Rules are divided into the following Chapters: (I) General provisions; (II) Control measures for List I diseases; (III) Control measures for List II diseases; (IV) Final provisions.
The present Rules define the minimum measures to be carried out in the territory of Malta for the control of the fish diseases referred to in Schedule A, lists I and II, attached to European Union Council Directive 91/67/EEC. All farms rearing or keeping fish susceptible to such diseases shall be registered by the official service and shall keep a record of the information prescribed by rule 3. It is compulsory for the suspected presence of any of the list I and list II diseases to be notified a
Measures for the Control of Fish Diseases Rules, 2005 (L.N. 354 of 2005).
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