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These Regulations, for purposes of the Meat Industry Act: prescribe general and specific conditions for operators and establishments of the meat processing sector and approved under the Act; prescribe rules of hygiene applying to butcheries; provide for inspection of animals before slaughter and for the inspection and marking of meat; and lay down rules relative to the packing, transport and storage of meat. The Regulations also concern poultry processing plants and the slaughter of diseased animals.
These Regulations, for purposes of the Meat Industry Act: prescribe general and specific conditions for operators and establishments of the meat processing sector and approved under the Act; prescribe rules of hygiene applying to butcheries; provide for inspection of animals before slaughter and for the inspection and marking of meat; and lay down rules relative to the packing, transport and storage of meat. The Regulations also concern poultry processing plants and the slaughter of diseased ani
Consolidated version of 2006 of Order No. 12 of 1994 as amended by Order No. 48 of 2002.
Meat Industry (Approved Establishments) Regulations (Cap. 213).
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