This Act provides for the prospecting of mineral raw materials, and for the exploration and exploitation of mineral resources.
The Minister shall designate concession areas and invite a concession tender. The beneficiary of the concession shall perform the mining activity in compliance with the requirements prescribed in the Act. Mining activities shall be carried out by mining entrepreneurs in possession of a licence issued by the mine supervision. Licences shall be granted for the prospecting for mineral raw materials, for the exploration, exploitation and utilization of waste stock-piles, and for the construction and operation of hydrocarbon conveying pipelines. The State shall be entitled to a mining royalty for the mineral raw material exploited by the mining entrepreneur as well as for the geothermal energy generated. The Act further makes provision for the following: security zones and protective pillars; mine plans; safety of mining; landscape rehabilitation; mine damages; right to use water; fines; state supervision of mining activities; etc.
The Minister shall designate concession areas and invite a concession tender. The beneficiary of the concession shall perform the mining activity in compliance with the requirements prescribed in the Act. Mining activities shall be carried out by mining entrepreneurs in possession of a licence issued by the mine supervision. Licences shall be granted for the prospecting for mineral raw materials, for the exploration, exploitation and utilization of waste stock-piles, and for the construction and operation of hydrocarbon conveying pipelines. The State shall be entitled to a mining royalty for the mineral raw material exploited by the mining entrepreneur as well as for the geothermal energy generated. The Act further makes provision for the following: security zones and protective pillars; mine plans; safety of mining; landscape rehabilitation; mine damages; right to use water; fines; state supervision of mining activities; etc.
This Act provides for the prospecting of mineral raw materials, and for the exploration and exploitation of mineral resources.
The linked text is a unified version of the Act and of its implementing Governmental Decree No. 203/1998. The Act is set out in bold characters, the Decree is set out with normal characters. Act III of 1960 on Mining, and Act XLII of 1990 amending the above, Section 1 of Law-Decree No. 17 of 1980, and Section 6 of Law-Decree No. 25 of 1981, as well as subsection (1), Section 2, Sections 3 and 6 of Act VII of 1969 on Gas Energy shall cease to have effect.
Mining Act (Act No. XLVIII of 1993).
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