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The Decree establishes the characteristics of the health mark to be issued by the official veterinarian. The mark must specify the identification number and the name of the Region or Autonomous Province where the establishment is located. Article 2 makes provision regarding the regional register of slaughterhouses, which must contain the name, the site and the identification number of the slaughterhouse. Final provisions concern the transport of non-refrigerated meat immediately after the post-mortem inspection.
The Decree establishes the characteristics of the health mark to be issued by the official veterinarian. The mark must specify the identification number and the name of the Region or Autonomous Province where the establishment is located. Article 2 makes provision regarding the regional register of slaughterhouses, which must contain the name, the site and the identification number of the slaughterhouse. Final provisions concern the transport of non-refrigerated meat immediately after the post-m
Ministerial Decree establishing technical modalities for the implementation of Legislative Decree No. 286 of 1994 implementing Directives No. 91/497/EEC and 91/498/EEC on health problems affecting the production and marketing of fresh meat.
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