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The Decree regulates the transportation of fresh meat in refrigerated vehicles in possession of a sanitary authorization and excludes the obligation of refrigeration immediately after the "post-mortem" inspection in case the duration of the transportation is lesser than two hours.
The Decree regulates the transportation of fresh meat in refrigerated vehicles in possession of a sanitary authorization and excludes the obligation of refrigeration immediately after the "post-mortem" inspection in case the duration of the transportation is lesser than two hours.
This Ministerial Decree is consolidated with amendments of Ministerial Decree of 14 November 1996 (G.U. No. 24, 30 January 1997).
Ministerial Decree of 13 June 1994 on the implementation of Legislative Decree No. 286 of 18 April 1994 implementing Directives Nos. 91/497/EEC and 91/498/EEC on sanitary requirements for the production and placing on the market of fresh meat.
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