In order to ensure that the consumer is adequately protected from exposure to residues in foodstuffs resulting from plant protection products and in compliance with Commission Directive 2005/46/EC, this Decree provides for the following amendments of the current Greek legislation regarding MRLs: a) in Annex II to Ministerial Joint Decree 300481/84 the line for chlorpropham is deleted; b) in Part A, Annex II of Ministerial Joint Decree No. 290341/88, the lines for bromoxynil, chlorpropham, dimethenamid-P, flazasulfuron, flurtamone, ioxinyl, mepanipyrim, propoxycarbazone, pyraclostrobin, quinoxyfen, trimethylsulfonium cation and zoxamide, as set out in article 2 to the present Decree, are added; c) In Part A, Annex II of Decree No. 290341/88, the line for glyphosate is replaced by the text in article 2 to this Decree. Presidential Decree No. 497/89 is amended as follows: a) In Part A of Annex II, the lines for bromoxynil, chlorpropham, ioxinyl, pyraclostrobin, quinoxyfen and trimethylsulfonium cation, as set out in article 3 to the present Decree, are added; b) in Part B of Annex II, the line for glyphosate is replaced by the text set out in article 3 to this Decree. Ministerial Decree No. 352654/95 is amended as follows: a) in Annex II, the lines for bromoxynil, chlorpropham, dimethenamid-P, flazasulfuron, flurtamone, ioxinyl, mepanipyrim, propoxycarbazone, pyraclostrobin, quinoxyfen, trimethylsulfonium cation and zoxamide, as set out in article 4 to the present Decree, are added; b) in Annex II, the line for glyphosate is replaced by the Table attached to article 4 to this Decree.
In order to ensure that the consumer is adequately protected from exposure to residues in foodstuffs resulting from plant protection products and in compliance with Commission Directive 2005/46/EC, this Decree provides for the following amendments of the current Greek legislation regarding MRLs: a) in Annex II to Ministerial Joint Decree 300481/84 the line for chlorpropham is deleted; b) in Part A, Annex II of Ministerial Joint Decree No. 290341/88, the lines for bromoxynil, chlorpropham, dimeth
Ministerial Joint Decree No. 118401 as regards maximum residue levels for certain pesticides in and on cereals and certain products of animal and plant origin, in compliance with Commission Directive 2005/70/EC.
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