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Maximum levels for pesticide residues fixed by this Decree shall apply to products within the groups specified in Annex I in so far as products in these groups may contain certain pesticide residues. The Department for the Protection of Plant Production (Ministry of Agriculture) shall draw up programmes laying down the nature and frequency of the inspections to be carried out over a specific period.
Maximum levels for pesticide residues fixed by this Decree shall apply to products within the groups specified in Annex I in so far as products in these groups may contain certain pesticide residues. The Department for the Protection of Plant Production (Ministry of Agriculture) shall draw up programmes laying down the nature and frequency of the inspections to be carried out over a specific period.
Ministerial Joint Decree No. 352654 fixing maximum levels for pesticide residues in and on certain products of plant origin, including fruit and vegetables, in compliance with Council Directives 90/642/EEC, 93/5/EEC, 94/90/EEC and 85/519/EEC.
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