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In implementation of article 1 of Council 2002/76/EC relating to the fixing of maximum levels for pesticide residues in and on on certain products of plant origin, Annex II to Ministerial Decree No. 290341/88 is hereby completed by including new maximum levels for metsulfuron methyl residues in and on cereals. Also, in Annex II of Ministerial Decree No. 352654/95 are added new maximum levels for metsulfuron methyl in and on cereals and certain products of plant origin, including fruit and vegetables (article 2).
In implementation of article 1 of Council 2002/76/EC relating to the fixing of maximum levels for pesticide residues in and on on certain products of plant origin, Annex II to Ministerial Decree No. 290341/88 is hereby completed by including new maximum levels for metsulfuron methyl residues in and on cereals. Also, in Annex II of Ministerial Decree No. 352654/95 are added new maximum levels for metsulfuron methyl in and on cereals and certain products of plant origin, including fruit and vegeta
Ministerial Joint Decree No. 91973 on the fixing of maximum levels for pesticide residues in and on certain products of plant origin, in compliance with Commission Directive 2002/76/EC.
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