Given that maximum residue levels for pesticides should be kept under review and the levels may be changed to take account of new information and data, this Decree -in compliance with Commission Directive 2000/24/EC- amends Annex II of Ministerial Joint Decree No. 300481/28.9.84, Ministerial Joint Decree No. 290341/20.7.88, Presidential Order No. 497/89 and Ministerial Joint Decree No. 352654/10.5.95.
Given that maximum residue levels for pesticides should be kept under review and the levels may be changed to take account of new information and data, this Decree -in compliance with Commission Directive 2000/24/EC- amends Annex II of Ministerial Joint Decree No. 300481/28.9.84, Ministerial Joint Decree No. 290341/20.7.88, Presidential Order No. 497/89 and Ministerial Joint Decree No. 352654/10.5.95.
Ministerial Joint Decree No. 88534 fixing maximum levels for pesticide residues in and on cereals, foodstuffs of animal origin and certain products of plant origin, including fruit and vegetables, in compliance with Commission Directive 2000/24/EC.
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