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Maximum levels for pesticide residues in and on certain products for human consumption are kept under constant review and changed by the European Community legislation in order to take account of new information and data. The Decree, in compliance with Commission Directive 2007/9/EC, provides for the following amendments of Ministerial Decree No. 352654/95 regarding MRLs: in Annex II the entries for aldicarb shall be replaced by those established in article 1 to the present Decree.
Maximum levels for pesticide residues in and on certain products for human consumption are kept under constant review and changed by the European Community legislation in order to take account of new information and data. The Decree, in compliance with Commission Directive 2007/9/EC, provides for the following amendments of Ministerial Decree No. 352654/95 regarding MRLs: in Annex II the entries for aldicarb shall be replaced by those established in article 1 to the present Decree.
Ministerial Joint Decree No. 119805 as regards maximum residue levels for aldicarb in and on certain products of plant origin, in compliance with Commission Directive 2007/9/EC.
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