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The Decree establishes the necessary additional measures, according to a number of European Regulations, as regards food hygiene and procedures in matters of food safety (art. 1). The Decree is divided into 25 articles as follows: ccompetent authorities at the national level (art. 2); transfer of competencies (art. 3); licenses to operate in the food sector (art. 4); registration and approval of installations. Suspension and withdrawal of approval. National Register of installations (art. 5); duration of approval under conditions Extension (art. 6); extension or restriction of approval (art. 7); modification on installations (art. 8); sampling and analysis (art. 9); national laboratories of reference (art. 10); institutions and control Bodies (art. 11); conflict of interests (art. 12); inspection guidelines (art. 13); annual and multi annual national control plans (art. 14); notification of results by the controls made under the national control plans (art. 15); official controls Reports (art. 16); crisis management (art. 17); guidelines for good practices (art. 18); national measures on traditional foodstuffs and enterprises located in regions with specific geographical characteristics (art. 19); financing of official controls (art. 20); sanctions (art. 21); auditing and evaluation of competent authorities (art. 22); final provisions (art. 23); repealed provisions (art. 24); entry into force (art. 25).
The Decree establishes the necessary additional measures, according to a number of European Regulations, as regards food hygiene and procedures in matters of food safety (art. 1). The Decree is divided into 25 articles as follows: ccompetent authorities at the national level (art. 2); transfer of competencies (art. 3); licenses to operate in the food sector (art. 4); registration and approval of installations. Suspension and withdrawal of approval. National Register of installations (art. 5); du
Ministerial Joint Decree No. 15523 establishing additional measures for the implementation of Regulations (EC) Nos. 178/2002, 852/2004, 853/2004, 854/2004, 882/2004 and trans positioning into the national legislation Council Directive 2004/41/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council.
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