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The present Federal Act lays down comprehensive provisions relating to inland navigation. It applies to public flowing waters as well as to public waters and private waters listed in Annex 1. The text consists of 153 articles divided into 9 Parts as follows: General provisions (1); Navigation police (2); Docks and installations (4); Navigation trade law (4); Inspection of ships (5); Admission to navigation (6); Command of ships (7); Navigation schools (8); Final provisions (9). Two Annexes are enclosed as follows: Index of waters (1); Index of non waterways waters (2).
The present Federal Act lays down comprehensive provisions relating to inland navigation. It applies to public flowing waters as well as to public waters and private waters listed in Annex 1. The text consists of 153 articles divided into 9 Parts as follows: General provisions (1); Navigation police (2); Docks and installations (4); Navigation trade law (4); Inspection of ships (5); Admission to navigation (6); Command of ships (7); Navigation schools (8); Final provisions (9). Two Annexes are e
The present Act is consolidated as of 61/2015.
Navigation Act.
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