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The Order sets regulations on the sale of seeds (specified in Appendix 2). The document applies to batches of seeds specified in Appendix 2. The Order does NOT apply to the supply of seeds for official inspection, for supply of seeds for processing and packaging (provided that recipients do not acquire ownership of seeds), to the sale of seeds for the production of plants for ornamental purposes, to the forest reproductive material for export to third countries. Any trade of seeds shall be subject to registration with the Danish AgriFish Agency after approved certification. A batch including mixtures of seeds must be notified for certification in sealed units and marked with official labels. Businesses shall be subject to the inspection of lots which must comply with standards set in Appendix 3 and 5 on the variety and content of species. Applications for permission to trade in environmental seed mixtures shall be submitted to the Agency on special form by March 1 of the year of production. All costs associated with the inspection shall be borne by the company. Inspection fees should be applied in accordance with relevant international standards. The Danish AgriFish Agency may certify a party of seeds in adherence to regulations for certification of internationally-sold seeds by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), should a lot be exported to a non-EU member state.
Appendix 1 - List of appendices.
Appendix 2 - Species covered by this Order.
Appendix 3 - Breeding standards.
Appendix 4 - Certification of field inspectors, samplers, companies and departments who use authorized samplers and seed testing laboratories.
Appendix 5 - Quality standards.
Appendix 6 - Labelling.
Appendix 7 - Sale of varieties being tested for inclusion in the catalogue.
Appendix 8 - Approval to produce large quantities of grass.
Appendix 9 - Particulars on conservation varieties.
Appendix 10 - Labelling of environmental seed mixtures.
Appendix 11 Third countries and authorities and species thereof equivalent to Member States.
The Order sets regulations on the sale of seeds (specified in Appendix 2). The document applies to batches of seeds specified in Appendix 2. The Order does NOT apply to the supply of seeds for official inspection, for supply of seeds for processing and packaging (provided that recipients do not acquire ownership of seeds), to the sale of seeds for the production of plants for ornamental purposes, to the forest reproductive material for export to third countries. Any trade of seeds shall be subje
Order No. 1030 on seeds.
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