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The purpose of this Order is to provide project subsidy for the conservation of older Danish animal species and breeds, as well as plant genetic resources. The Order is regulated by the Danish AgriFish Agency, which shall, within the allocated funding framework, provide grants in the following areas: activities carried out by Nordgen, the joint Nordic gene bank or other European partners; activities for the conservation of plant genetic resources, in accordance with the Action Plan for Plant Genetic Resources; activities for conservation of older Danish animal species and breeds; and activities related to agriculture biodiversity.
Applications for subsidy shall be submitted as of 23 October 2015 and recei ved by the Agency for processing no later than 15 November 2015.
The Order consists of 10 Chapters: Purpose and scope (1); Administration (2); Conditions for subsidy period (3); Knowledge transfer and information sanctions (4); Eligible costs (5); Changing the project and the onset of commitment (6); Payment of subsidies (7); Duty of notification (8); Cessation of commitment and repayment or reduction of subsidies (9) Entry into force (10).
The purpose of this Order is to provide project subsidy for the conservation of older Danish animal species and breeds, as well as plant genetic resources. The Order is regulated by the Danish AgriFish Agency, which shall, within the allocated funding framework, provide grants in the following areas: activities carried out by Nordgen, the joint Nordic gene bank or other European partners; activities for the conservation of plant genetic resources, in accordance with the Action Plan for Plant Gen
Order No. 1186 on project grants for conservation work on old Danish farm animals and plant genetic resources.
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