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Pursuant to the principles and rules governing the internal market in the European Union, this Regulation lays down provisions concerning the granting of the following categories of aid: (a) aid in favour of micro, small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) active in the agricultural sector, namely primary agricultural production, the processing of agricultural products and the marketing of agricultural products; (b) aid for investments for the conservation of cultural and natural heritage located on agricultural holdings; (c) aid in favour of making good the damage caused by natural disasters in the agricultural sector; (d) aid for research and development in the agricultural and forestry sectors; (e) aid in favour of forestry.
Pursuant to the principles and rules governing the internal market in the European Union, this Regulation lays down provisions concerning the granting of the following categories of aid: (a) aid in favour of micro, small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) active in the agricultural sector, namely primary agricultural production, the processing of agricultural products and the marketing of agricultural products; (b) aid for investments for the conservation of cultural and natural heritage locate
Commission Regulation (EU) No. 702/2014 declaring certain categories of aid in the agricultural and forestry sectors and in rural areas compatible with the internal market in application of Articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
European Union
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