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This Act establishes state measures for the balanced development of the agricultural market, the provision of quality foodstuffs to consumers, the profitable production of agricultural products, the development of other rural economic activity, and the ensuring of a fair standard of living for population in rural areas and balanced development of rural areas, the bases for and extent of supervision over implementation of state measures and liability for violation of this Act. For the purposes of this Act, state measures for the regulation of rural development and agricultural market are the granting of state aid; the granting of de minimis aid; the granting of support other than state aid or de minimis aid; the implementation of control measures against wild oats; and the classification of agricultural products into quality classes.
This Act establishes state measures for the balanced development of the agricultural market, the provision of quality foodstuffs to consumers, the profitable production of agricultural products, the development of other rural economic activity, and the ensuring of a fair standard of living for population in rural areas, the bases for and extent of supervision over implementation of state measures and liability for violation of this Act. It envisages classification of agricultural products into q
Rural Development and Agricultural Market Regulation Act (2008)
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