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This Act establishes state measures for the balanced development of the market of agricultural produce and, the provision of quality foodstuffs to consumers, the profitable production of agricultural produce, the development of other rural economic activity, and the ensuring of a fair standard of living for population in rural areas. For the purposes of this Act, state measures for the regulation of rural development and agricultural market means support granted to agricultural producers and processors of agricultural produce. For the purposes of this Act, rural enterprise loan means an investment or working capital loan granted for the covering of costs related to the production or handling of agricultural products or to rural economic activity, or factoring or leasing contracts entered into for the same purpose. The Minister of Agriculture shall decide which classes of support are to be granted and which activities are to be supported during each financial year, and how the budgetary funds granted for support are to be divided. Training support is financial assistance that provides partial compensation for the cost of training services provided by an educational and training institution.
This Act establishes state measures for the balanced development of the market of agricultural produce and, the provision of quality foodstuffs to consumers, the profitable production of agricultural produce, the development of other rural economic activity, and the ensuring of a fair standard of living for population in rural areas. For the purposes of this Act, state measures for the regulation of rural development and agricultural market means support granted to agricultural producers and pro
Rural Development and Agricultural Market Regulation Act.
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