This Order applies to the functions and powers of the Food Administration Authority (FAA), which is governed by the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries in Denmark. The FAA shall implement the Ministry's policies in food, veterinary conditions and feed, and it is managed by a Director, a number of deputy directors and a veterinary director. Its direction of the presidency and secretariat includes management of the Danish Codex Alimentarius Committee, the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries Advisory Committee for Diseases in Aquaculture, and the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries Advisory Committee on Cost Control. Its responsibilities include monitoring and supervision of food, fisheries (parts of IUU) fishing, feed and animal welfare and veterinary issues, by conducting inspections and providing information and advice. The FAA shall also monitors livestock and wildlife health in Denmark and as appropriate in other countries. The Veterinary Director shall be responsible for partnership with developing countries in view of specific animal health guarantees, for liasing with the EU on animal health, for representing Denmark in the International Organization for Animal Health (OIE) and the European Foot-and-Mouth Disease Commission (EUFMD). In accordance to certain EU regulations, powers conferred on the Minister of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries under the Fishery Act shall be implemented by the Director of FAA (Council Regulation (EC) No. 1005/2008, Commission Regulation ( EC) No. 1010/2009 of 22 October, Commission Regulation (EC) No. 1224 of 20 November 2009, Commission Regulation (EC) No. 404/2011 of 8 April).
This Order applies to the functions and powers of the Food Administration Authority (FAA), which is governed by the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries in Denmark. The FAA shall implement the Ministry's policies in food, veterinary conditions and feed, and it is managed by a Director, a number of deputy directors and a veterinary director. Its direction of the presidency and secretariat includes management of the Danish Codex Alimentarius Committee, the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and
Order No. 1203 on Food Administration Authority's functions and powers.
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