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This Act sets regulations on animal feed, including its manufacture, production, processing, breeding and cultivation, use, storage, sale, purchase, distribution and marketing. The Minister for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries prohibits or restrict the cultivation of crops intended for animal feeding in areas that have been exposed to contaminants, including radioactive fallout. Sale and use of feed grown in such areas is hence prohibited. The Minister may also set rules on import, export and transport of feed-stuff in adherence to EU regulations. The Minister for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries establishes rules related to required written communication form which shall now be electronically and the use of certain IT systems (digital formats, digital signature etc.). Regulations derogating from the signature requirements shall be prescribed in a way that appeals for personal signature cannot be waived for certain documents (articles 1a-c).
This Act sets regulations on animal feed, including its manufacture, production, processing, breeding and cultivation, use, storage, sale, purchase, distribution and marketing. The Minister for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries prohibits or restrict the cultivation of crops intended for animal feeding in areas that have been exposed to contaminants, including radioactive fallout. Sale and use of feed grown in such areas is hence prohibited. The Minister may also set rules on import, export and tra
The Act does not apply to Greenland nor to the Faroe Islands.
Act on feedstuffs (No. 477 of 2014).
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