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This Order sets regulations on the appointment of a Ministerial Food Claim Centre as the authority in regards to appeals and decisions related to laws set by other authorities - private or public institutions - to whom powers have been delegated on behalf of the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries. The Appeal Center investigates cases on decisions made by institutions in first instance in adherence to articles 2-6 of mentioned Acts and Orders in this document. The Center does not however process appeals on institutions' administrative, financial and personnel matters. The Ministerial Food Claim Center processes cases decided under articles 10, 11 or 23 of Council Regulation No 1/2005, and articles 6-9 and 12-14 of Council Regulation (EC) No 3/2008 - as well as decisions on access implemented in adherence to the Administrative Procedure Act, the Public Administration and the Law on public access to environmental information. Appeals shall be submitted within a period of maximum 4 weeks before decisions have taken place in accordance to the mentioned Orders and Acts.
This Order sets regulations on the appointment of a Ministerial Food Claim Centre as the authority in regards to appeals and decisions related to laws set by other authorities - private or public institutions - to whom powers have been delegated on behalf of the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries. The Appeal Center investigates cases on decisions made by institutions in first instance in adherence to articles 2-6 of mentioned Acts and Orders in this document. The Center does not however
Order No. 513 on functions and powers of the Ministry of Environment and Food Appeals Centre.
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