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The provisions of this Act shall apply to the indoor keeping of piglets, breeding or fattening pigs kept for agricultural purposes. For animals being kept prior to the date of this Act, shall adhere to criteria laid out by articles 3-5 (with regard to authorized size and weight of the animals) and comply with the required criteria before 1 July 2015. Special focus is given to regulating animal husbandry injunction within a specified period; animal keepers shall register through authorities governed by the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries notification of husbandry injunction within a specified period. The injunction shall be notified in writing, and the responsible person shall be given the opportunity to comment prior to the granting of injunction. The Minister for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries establishes rules related to the required written communication form which shall now be electronically and the use of certain IT systems (digital formats, digital signature etc.). Regulations derogating from the signature requirements shall be prescribed in a way that appeals for personal signature cannot be waived for certain documents (articles 7c-e).
The Act consists of 4 Chapters: Scope (1); General provisions (2); Injunctions (2a); Appeals (2b); Duty of digital communication (2c): Penalties (3); Entry into force and transitional provisions (4).
The provisions of this Act shall apply to the indoor keeping of piglets, breeding or fattening pigs kept for agricultural purposes. For animals being kept prior to the date of this Act, shall adhere to criteria laid out by articles 3-5 (with regard to authorized size and weight of the animals) and comply with the required criteria before 1 July 2015. Special focus is given to regulating animal husbandry injunction within a specified period; animal keepers shall register through authorities gover
This Act does not apply to Greenland nor to the Faroe Islands.
Act on indoor keeping of piglets, breeding and slaughtered swine (No. 465 of 2014).
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