The Order sets regulations with regard to the import to and through Denmark to a partner country of feed stuff, through inspection and monitoring and which shall be subject to particular restrictions. The purpose of this Order is to ensure consumer protection from food-related diseases. The Order does NOT include non-animal feed imported from other EU member states and released for free circulation. If feed is then released for free circulation in Denmark, it shall be subject to provisions in adherence to Order on food and feed businesses, as well as to relevant EU legislations in this same sector. Inspections shall occur in certified laboratories. Information of non-animal products shall be notified to the Danish Food authorities prior to their trade.
The Order consists of 21 Chapters divided into VI Sections: Scope and definitions (I); Animal feed - prior notification (II); Animal feed - single restrictions (III); Non-animal feed - advance notification and rules related to withdrawn and un-released parties (IV); Non-animal feed - single restrictions (V); Penalties and implementation provisions (VI).
The Order consists of 21 Chapters divided into VI Sections: Scope and definitions (I); Animal feed - prior notification (II); Animal feed - single restrictions (III); Non-animal feed - advance notification and rules related to withdrawn and un-released parties (IV); Non-animal feed - single restrictions (V); Penalties and implementation provisions (VI).
The Order sets regulations with regard to the import to and through Denmark to a partner country of feed stuff, through inspection and monitoring and which shall be subject to particular restrictions. The purpose of this Order is to ensure consumer protection from food-related diseases. The Order does NOT include non-animal feed imported from other EU member states and released for free circulation. If feed is then released for free circulation in Denmark, it shall be subject to provisions in ad
Order No. 1181 on imports of feed stuff with special restrictions and criminal penalties for violation of various EU acts.
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