The Agri-Fish Agency through the Ministry of Environment and Food may grant subsidies for investments aiming to ensure measures which can improve the habitat of species listed in Appendix IV (ANIMAL AND PLANT SPECIES OF COMMUNITY INTEREST IN NEED OF STRICT PROTECTION) of Directive 92/43- Council Directive 92/43/EEC of 21 May 1992 on the conservation of natural habitats and wild fauna and flora. These include the creation and restoration of lakes, the restoration of stone walls, the creation of earth embankments and stone heaps.
The Order consists of 11 Chapters: Purpose and application (1); Definitions (2); Administration (3); Conditions for grant(4); Eligible costs (5); Calculation of the grant (6); Changing and joining the commitment (7); Payment of subsidy (8); Duty of notification (9); Cancellation of commitments and repayment of subsidy (10); Entry into force (11);
Appendix 1 - Maximum prices.
The Order consists of 11 Chapters: Purpose and application (1); Definitions (2); Administration (3); Conditions for grant(4); Eligible costs (5); Calculation of the grant (6); Changing and joining the commitment (7); Payment of subsidy (8); Duty of notification (9); Cancellation of commitments and repayment of subsidy (10); Entry into force (11);
Appendix 1 - Maximum prices.
The Agri-Fish Agency – through the Ministry of Environment and Food – may grant subsidies for investments aiming to ensure measures which can improve the habitat of species listed in Appendix IV (ANIMAL AND PLANT SPECIES OF COMMUNITY INTEREST IN NEED OF STRICT PROTECTION) of Directive 92/43- Council Directive 92/43/EEC of 21 May 1992 on the conservation of natural habitats and wild fauna and flora. These include the creation and restoration of lakes, the restoration of stone walls, the creation
The Order
Order No. 1360 on subsidy for the establishment of special habitats listed in Appendix IV of Appendix IV of Directive 92/43.
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