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The Danish AgriFish Agency may grant from 50% to 100% subsidy for initiatives having the goal of protecting and developing the aquatic fauna and flora. Among these initiatives are projects on extensive research on knowledge building or development of fishery to improve the environmental status of Natura2000 areas which may include possible commercial activities (1). Projects on extensive research and knowledge building on the establishment of marine reefs aiming to the improvement of spawning and nursery conditions for fish stocks (2). Projects on direct restocking of eels through conservation measures. Application for grants can be submitted from 15 February and must be received by 1 April 2013. Prioritization of these projects shall be based on financial funding originating from the Danish Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries and from the co-financing of the European Fisheries Fund for the implementation of development programs of the Danish fisheries and aquaculture sector. Criteria for granting of funds include eligibility to projects amounting to a minimum of 50 000 DKK, that the projects are completed within 18 months after the agreement, that the project is agreed for a period of at least five years from the date of commitment, that the payment request and original records are kept available until 31 December 2021, that applications for grant indicate whether the project is covered by a contract which is subject to the EU procurement regulations, and that the commitment ensures that supervisory authorities have inspection access to the project areas. Projects not entitled to grants include those covered by EU subsidy regulations, those aiming at the establishment of plants for the capture of fish, project expenses in adherence to article 55 of Council Regulation (EC) No. 1198/2006 on the European Fisheries Fund (EFF), costs for leasing or rentals.
The Order consists of 12 Chapters: Content and purpose (1); Eligible projects (2); Administration (3); Conditions for grant (4); Eligible project costs (5); Changing the project and the onset of commitments (6); Calculation of grants (7); Grants (8); Duty to notify (9); Loss and recovery of financial aid (10); Force majeure (11); Entry into force (12).
The Danish AgriFish Agency may grant from 50% to 100% subsidy for initiatives having the goal of protecting and developing the aquatic fauna and flora. Among these initiatives are projects on extensive research on knowledge building or development of fishery to improve the environmental status of Natura2000 areas which may include possible commercial activities (1). Projects on extensive research and knowledge building on the establishment of marine reefs aiming to the improvement of spawning an
Order No. 140 on subsidies for certain protection measures to develop aquatic fauna and flora.
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