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This Order establishes that the General Direction of Fisheries (DGP) shall be competent for the approval of establishments, wholesale markets and fishing vessels, where fishing products are prepared, treated, frozen, packaged and stored. DGP shall mark the following with a veterinary identification number: establishments, wholesale markets and registered fishing vessels. The extension of fishing activities beyond those authorized is prohibited, except in cases where approval of a new register is required. The EU shall be informed of such registration activities.
This Order establishes that the General Direction of Fisheries (DGP) shall be competent for the approval of establishments, wholesale markets and fishing vessels, where fishing products are prepared, treated, frozen, packaged and stored. DGP shall mark the following with a veterinary identification number: establishments, wholesale markets and registered fishing vessels. The extension of fishing activities beyond those authorized is prohibited, except in cases where approval of a new register is
Text uncomplete.
Order No. 553/95 approving the Sanitary Regulation on the production and placing in the market of fishing products.
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