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This Order approves the Regulation for financial support to the fisheries sector related to the Operational Fisheries Programme 2007-2013 (PROMAR). This Regulation, consisting of 17 articles, establishes the requirements to be satisfied in order to benefit from such financial support to improve the pilot projects on fisheries sector development and the transformation of fishing vessels. It aims at supporting projects located within the continental areas, according to the principles and norms of the Common Policy on Fisheries through the promotion of scientific research in fisheries sector; improvement the technical and scientific knowledge on aquatic resources and the economic sector related to marine fisheries; etc.
This Order approves the Regulation for financial support to the fisheries sector related to the Operational Fisheries Programme 2007-2013 (PROMAR). This Regulation, consisting of 17 articles, establishes the requirements to be satisfied in order to benefit from such financial support to improve the pilot projects on fisheries sector development and the transformation of fishing vessels. It aims at supporting projects located within the continental areas, according to the principles and norms of
Order No. 723-A/2008 on the Regulation for financial support to the fisheries sector related to the Operational Fisheries Programme 2007-2013 (PROMAR).
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