This Decree-Law, composed of 14 articles, establishing the National framework for funding the fisheries sector related to the Operational Fisheries Programme 2007-2013 (PROMAR), according to European Fund for Fisheries sector, approved by EU Council Regulation No. 1198/2006. The global objective of PROMAR is to promote the competitivity and sustainability of the fisheries sector, improving fishing and aquaculture production. PROMAR also aims at: promoting the competitivity of fisheries sector according to available fish resources; strengthening, innovating and diversifying the aquatic animals production; improving and diversifying the processing industry; guaranteeing the sustainable development of coastal areas depending on fishing activity.
This Decree-Law, composed of 14 articles, establishing the National framework for funding the fisheries sector related to the Operational Fisheries Programme 2007-2013 (PROMAR), according to European Fund for Fisheries sector, approved by EU Council Regulation No. 1198/2006. The global objective of PROMAR is to promote the competitivity and sustainability of the fisheries sector, improving fishing and aquaculture production. PROMAR also aims at: promoting the competitivity of fisheries sector ac
Decree-Law No. 81/2008 establishing the National framework for funding the fisheries sector related to the Operational Fisheries Programme 2007-2013 (PROMAR).
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