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The present Ordinance enforces the Federal Environment Protection Act of 7 October 1982, the Federal Water Protection Act of 24 January 1991, the Law on petroleum control in the Canton of Solothurn of 6 October 1968. In particular, the purpose of the Ordinance is to regulate the organization, alerting and deployment of the Cantonal Disaster Protection Service. Article 2 establishes that in case of disasters, such as emission of solid, liquid, gaseous or radioactive substances, the Disaster Protection Service shall meet the necessary measures to prevent risks to human health and the environment. The text consists of 23 articles divided into 6 Parts as follows: General provisions (1); Organization (2); Deployment of the Disaster Protection Service (3); Costs (4); Various provisions (5); Implementing and final provisions (6).
The present Ordinance enforces the Federal Environment Protection Act of 7 October 1982, the Federal Water Protection Act of 24 January 1991, the Law on petroleum control in the Canton of Solothurn of 6 October 1968. In particular, the purpose of the Ordinance is to regulate the organization, alerting and deployment of the Cantonal Disaster Protection Service. Article 2 establishes that in case of disasters, such as emission of solid, liquid, gaseous or radioactive substances, the Disaster Prote
The present Ordinance repeals the previous of 11 January 1994 on the same subject.
Ordinance on the Cantonal Disaster Protection Service.
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