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The present Ordinance enforces the Federal Ordinance on ensuring and controlling quality of dairy products. Article 1 establishes that an Inspection and Advisory Service is set up to ensure and promote the quality of milk and dairy products. The text - consisting of 11 articles - deals with the following aspects: sphere of application, competent authority, monitoring, duty to inform, financing, taxes, administrative proceedings, appeal, repeal and entry into force.
The present Ordinance enforces the Federal Ordinance on ensuring and controlling quality of dairy products. Article 1 establishes that an Inspection and Advisory Service is set up to ensure and promote the quality of milk and dairy products. The text - consisting of 11 articles - deals with the following aspects: sphere of application, competent authority, monitoring, duty to inform, financing, taxes, administrative proceedings, appeal, repeal and entry into force.
The present Ordinance repeals the Ordinance of 6 September 1997 on the same subject.
Ordinance concerning inspection and counselling service of dairy industries.
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