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The present Ordinance implements the Agriculture Law of 25 October 2000 and the Federal Agriculture Act of 29 April 1998. The Department of Internal Affairs and Economics and the Agriculture Office are the competent authorities in the Canton. The text consists of 45 articles divided into 7 Parts as follows: General provisions (I); Production and marketing (II); Counselling and enterprises (III); Animal production and animal health (IV); Plant protection and Plant Protection Fund (V); Enforcement of federal legislation (VI); Final provisions (VII). Three Annexes are enclosed.
The present Ordinance implements the Agriculture Law of 25 October 2000 and the Federal Agriculture Act of 29 April 1998. The Department of Internal Affairs and Economics and the Agriculture Office are the competent authorities in the Canton. The text consists of 45 articles divided into 7 Parts as follows: General provisions (I); Production and marketing (II); Counselling and enterprises (III); Animal production and animal health (IV); Plant protection and Plant Protection Fund (V); Enforcement
The present Ordinance is consolidated as of 17 November 2009.
Ordinance by the governing Council relating to the Agriculture Law.
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