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The present Ordinance implements the Federal Food Act of 9 October 1992. Controlling organs are the cantonal veterinary, meat inspectors, and other persons appointed by the cantonal veterinary. Fees for meat inspection shall be charged to meat producing establishments. The text consists of 15 articles divided into 5 Parts as follows: General provisions (I); Organisation and competence (II); Financing (III); Legal aid (IV); Final provisions (V).
The present Ordinance implements the Federal Food Act of 9 October 1992. Controlling organs are the cantonal veterinary, meat inspectors, and other persons appointed by the cantonal veterinary. Fees for meat inspection shall be charged to meat producing establishments. The text consists of 15 articles divided into 5 Parts as follows: General provisions (I); Organisation and competence (II); Financing (III); Legal aid (IV); Final provisions (V).
Ordinance on meat hygiene.
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