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The present Ordinance enforces the Federal Act on foodstuff and articles of daily use of 9 October 1992. In particular, the Ordinance lays down provisions relating to the correct and efficient enforcement of the afore-mentioned Federal Act. The text consists of 16 articles divided into 8 Parts as follows: Organization (I); Slaughter facilities (II); Slaughtering and slaughter hygiene (III); Animal and meat inspection (IV); Slaughtering and establishment of carcass weight (V); Formation and vocational training of inspectors (VI); Fees and compensation (VII); Final provisions (VIII).
The present Ordinance enforces the Federal Act on foodstuff and articles of daily use of 9 October 1992. In particular, the Ordinance lays down provisions relating to the correct and efficient enforcement of the afore-mentioned Federal Act. The text consists of 16 articles divided into 8 Parts as follows: Organization (I); Slaughter facilities (II); Slaughtering and slaughter hygiene (III); Animal and meat inspection (IV); Slaughtering and establishment of carcass weight (V); Formation and vocat
The present Ordinance is consolidated as of 25 October 2004.
Ordinance on meat hygiene (Meat Hygiene Ordinance).
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