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The present Ordinance is made under the Air Pollution Ordinance of 16 December 1985. In particular, the Ordinance lays down provisions relating to the inspection of oil and gas fire plants on behalf of municipalities. Article 2 establishes that the municipalities have to ensure that these plants shall be monitored every two years according to Annex 3 of the afore-mentioned Ordinance. The text consists of 12 articles.
The present Ordinance is made under the Air Pollution Ordinance of 16 December 1985. In particular, the Ordinance lays down provisions relating to the inspection of oil and gas fire plants on behalf of municipalities. Article 2 establishes that the municipalities have to ensure that these plants shall be monitored every two years according to Annex 3 of the afore-mentioned Ordinance. The text consists of 12 articles.
The present Ordinance is consolidated as of 1 September 2011.
Ordinance on oil and gas fire plants of municipalities.
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