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The present Ordinance implements the Hazardous Incidents Act of 25 March 1992. The purpose of the Ordinance is the prevention of major accidents to protect human beings, animals and the environment. The text consists of 41 articles divided into 8Parts as follows: General provisions (I); Precaution against major accidents (II); Managing major accidents (III); Obligation to inform and notify (IV); Organization (V); Implementation (VI); Legal remedy (VII); Final provisions (VIII). Six Annexes are enclosed.
The present Ordinance implements the Hazardous Incidents Act of 25 March 1992. The purpose of the Ordinance is the prevention of major accidents to protect human beings, animals and the environment. The text consists of 41 articles divided into 8Parts as follows: General provisions (I); Precaution against major accidents (II); Managing major accidents (III); Obligation to inform and notify (IV); Organization (V); Implementation (VI); Legal remedy (VII); Final provisions (VIII). Six Annexes are e
The present Act is consolidated as of LGBl.2012, No. 321.
Ordinance relating to the Hazardous Incidents Act.
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