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Ordinance relative to the Federal Act of 1 July 1966 on measures to be taken to control animal disease. Part I relates to the organization of police control by: A - The Confederation; B - The Cantons; C - The Confederation and Cantons jointly; Part II - Traffic in animals, products and parts thereof; Part III - Control Measures: A - General provisions; B - Diseases; C - Other Disease; Part V - Penal Provisons and Application thereof.
Ordinance relative to the Federal Act of 1 July 1966 on measures to be taken to control animal disease. Part I relates to the organization of police control by: A - The Confederation; B - The Cantons; C - The Confederation and Cantons jointly; Part II - Traffic in animals, products and parts thereof; Part III - Control Measures: A - General provisions; B - Diseases; C - Other Disease; Part V - Penal Provisons and Application thereof.
For corrigendum see: RLF 54, 28.12.73 p. 2266.La pr sente ordonnance a t abrog e le 27 juin 1995 (RO 1995 3716).
Ordonnance relative la loi f d rale du 1 juillet 1966 sur les mesures prendre pour combattres les pizooties (Ordonnance sur les pizooties).
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