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The purpose of the present Act is to limit the contents of lead compounds and other metal compounds added instead of lead in petrol to protect health. The Act applies to petrol intended for motor vehicle engines, however as far as compatible with health protection, the marketing of petrol shall not be impaired. The text consists of 10 articles as follows: Purpose and sphere of application of the Act (1); Restriction and prohibition of metal additives (2); Consumer protection (2a); Exceptions (3); Tax to compensate for competitive advantages in the case of exceptional approval (3a); Declaration on the quality of petrol to be imported (4); Surveillance (5); Article (6) is repealed; Administrative offences (7); Import of petrol for defence purposes (8); Berlin Clause (9); Effective date (10).
The purpose of the present Act is to limit the contents of lead in petrol for motorcars to protect the environment. However, as far as compatible with health protection, the marketing of petrol shall not be impaired. The text consists of 10 articles as follows: Purpose and sphere of application of the Act (1); Restriction and prohibition of metal additives (2); Consumer protection (2a); Exceptions (3); Fees to be paid for exemptions (3a); Reporting on composition of new motor petrol (4); Surveil
The present Act is consolidated as of 19 June 2020.
Petrol Lead Act.
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