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This Act creates a new system of development permitting for nationally significant infrastructure projects. The new system covers certain types of energy, transport, water, waste water and waste projects. The Act establishes the Infrastructure Planning Commission, which will be responsible for examining applications for development consent for nationally significant infrastructure projects. The Commission may also confer upon developers certain rights for the purpose of facilitating a project. These rights may include the compulsory acquisition of land where there is a compelling case in the public interest. National policy statements will set the framework for decisions by the Commission.
The Act also makes various alterations to the existing town and country planning regime, which will continue to apply to other types of development. The changes concern, among other things, the development plan, powers of local planning authorities to decline to determine subsequent applications, right to compensation, powers of the Welsh Ministers, the National Assembly of Wales and the Secretary of State and procedure for local inquiry, hearing or written representations.
This Act creates a new system of development permitting for nationally significant infrastructure projects. The new system covers certain types of energy, transport, water, waste water and waste projects. The Act establishes the Infrastructure Planning Commission, which will be responsible for examining applications for development consent for nationally significant infrastructure projects. The Commission may also confer upon developers certain rights for the purpose of facilitating a project. T
Consolidated version as at 21 February 2019.
Planning Act 2008 (Cap. 29).
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
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