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This Act concerns spatial and development planning at a national and local level. It prescribes procedures for the preparation and adoption of planning instruments and concerns various matters relating to planning and development such as compensation and the acquisition and appropriation of land for planning purposes. The Act also concerns tree preservation, the functions exercisable by a local planning authority in respect of national parks, compulsory acquisition of land by the Secretary of State for the Environment and protection of the environment in general.
As for the protection of trees, the Secretary of State may make tree preservation orders and the Act provides for measures of remediation and compensation in case of removal of trees.
This Act concerns spatial and development planning at a national and local level. It prescribes procedures for the preparation and adoption of planning instruments and concerns various matters relating to planning and development such as compensation and the acquisition and appropriation of land for planning purposes. The Act also concerns tree preservation, the functions exercisable by a local planning authority in respect of national parks, compulsory acquisition of land by the Secretary of St
Consolidated version as at 20 August 2020 and as amended last by the Neighbourhood Planning Act 2017.This Act supersed the Town and Country Planning Act, 1947.
Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (1990 Chapter 8).
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
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