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This Act provides the legal regulation of applications for plant variety rights and the grant of plant variety rights as well as ensuring the rights of holders of plant variety rights. A plant variety right may be granted if the variety is new, distinct, uniform and stable (sect. 3). The Act establishes a state plant varieties register which shall include information such as protected varieties, holders of plant variety rights, breeders of protected varieties and the issuance of licences (sect. 8). The issue, extension and revocation of licences are registered in the plant variety rights register (sect. 51).
This Act provides the legal regulation of applications for plant variety rights and the grant of plant variety rights as well as ensuring the rights of holders of plant variety rights. A plant variety right may be granted if the variety is new, distinct, uniform and stable (sect. 3). The Act establishes a state plant varieties register which shall include information such as protected varieties, holders of plant variety rights, breeders of protected varieties and the issuance of licences (sect.
This Act has been amended by amended by Act of 19 January 2000 which entered into force on 1 March 2000.
Plant Variety Rights Act.
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