This Act regulates the registration of plant varieties, entry of varieties in the variety list, granting of plant variety rights, the rights of the owners of varieties protected by plant variety rights, the production for marketing purposes of seed, plant propagating material, cultivating material and genetic resources, including the packaging, marketing and conveyance to Estonia and state supervision thereof, and the liability for violation of this Act and legislation established on the basis thereof. The provisions of the Food Act apply to the use of seed as a food or raw material for food. The provisions of the Feedingstuffs Act apply to the use of seed as a feedingstuff or ingredient of a feedingstuff.
This Act regulates the registration of plant varieties, entry of varieties in the Variety List, grant of plant variety rights, the rights of the holders of plant variety rights, the production for marketing purposes of seed, plant propagating material and cultivating material including the packaging, marketing and conveyance to Estonia and state supervision thereof, and the liability for the violation of this Act and legislation established on the basis thereof. This Act does not apply to the se
Consolidated version of the Act, as last amended by the Act of 25 November 2020, published in the State Gazette I, no. 1 of 8 December 2020.
Plant Propagation and Plant Variety Rights Act (2005).
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