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An Act to regulate the marketing of planting material, of vegetable and fruits and decorative plants. The Act contains at the outset a definition clause relating to various terms employed such as, inter alia, "planting material", "seeds", "marketing", "variety", "certified planting material". Article 4 lists the requirements for planting fruits and vegetables. Then the Act deals with packing and labelling requirements, establishes the competent federal and regional authorities, that new varieties have to be registered, sets up regulations on importation from EU countries as well as from third countries, etc. Finally, it deals with penalties in case of violation of the law, fees, entry into force, repeal of existing provisions and enforcement.
An Act to regulate the marketing of planting material, of vegetable and fruits and decorative plants. The Act contains at the outset a definition clause relating to various terms employed such as, inter alia, "planting material", "seeds", "marketing", "variety", "certified planting material". Article 4 lists the requirements for planting fruits and vegetables. Then the Act deals with packing and labelling requirements, establishes the competent federal and regional authorities, that new varietie
The present Act is consolidated as of 163/2015.
Planting Material Act 1997.
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