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Poultry meat has to be controlled by a veterinary before and after slaughtering. In case one of the occurrences listed in article 11 of the Ordinance arises, the whole lot of meat has to be declared unfit for human consumption. Once the quality is ascertained, the meat has to be clearly marked as suitable for human consumption. The entity for meat inspection is responsible to authorize meat processing. However, controls must be carried out already in plants. The Ordinance consists of 20 articles divided into 7 Parts.
Poultry meat has to be controlled by a veterinary before and after slaughtering. In case one of the occurrences listed in article 11 of the Ordinance arises, the whole lot of meat has to be declared unfit for human consumption. Once the quality is ascertained, the meat has to be clearly marked as suitable for human consumption. The entity for meat inspection is responsible to authorize meat processing. However, controls must be carried out already in plants. The Ordinance consists of 20 articles
The present Ordinance is consolidated as of 28 July 2000 (BGBl. II No. 244/2000).
Poultry Meat Inspection Ordinance.
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