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The Decree, with the view to implement Council Directive 90/667/EEC, lays down the animal and public health requirements for the disposal and processing of animal waste (both high and low risk material) in order to destroy pathogens which might be present in such materials and for the production of feedingstuffs of animal origin in such manner as to prevent the presence of any pathogens therein. It also regulates the placing on the market of animal waste intended for purposes other than human consumption and prescribes rules for the processing plants. Controls, inspections and random checks are to be carried out by the competent authorities on both high and low risk processing plants in order to ensure that the operators and owners of such facilities adopt all measures necessary to comply with the requirements of this Decree. Animal waste must be collected, transported and identified in accordance with Annex I to the Decree.
The Decree, with the view to implement Council Directive 90/667/EEC, lays down the animal and public health requirements for the disposal and processing of animal waste (both high and low risk material) in order to destroy pathogens which might be present in such materials and for the production of feedingstuffs of animal origin in such manner as to prevent the presence of any pathogens therein. It also regulates the placing on the market of animal waste intended for purposes other than human co
Presidential Decree No. 243 laying down the veterinary rules for the disposal and processing of animal waste, for its placing on the market and for the prevention of pathogens in feedstuffs of animal or fish origin, in compliance with Council Directive 90/667/EEC.
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