The President, for the purpose of radically improving the provision of quality potable water to the population, efficient operation of the facilities of the water supply and sewage system, rational use of the potable water resources, as well as the creation of a unified system of state control over the use of potable water, decrees to establish the State Inspectorate on Potable Water Control subordinated to the Cabinet of Ministers with territorial inspections for monitoring the use of potable water in Republic of Karakalpakstan, regions and the city of Tashkent. The Inspectorate shall exercise state control over: (a) compliance with the requirements of legislation and regulatory documents in the field of technical regulation in the area of rational and efficient abstraction, transportation and supply of potable water, provision of sewage services and wastewater treatment; (b) conducting of the technical audit of the objects of the water supply and sewage system by water supply and sewerage organizations, aimed at improving the technological process and energy saving; (c) compliance with the requirements of the technical conditions for connection to the water supply and sewage system, prevention of unauthorized connections to the water supply and sewage system; (d) state and conditions of operation of the objects of the water supply and sewage system, implementation of measures for the prevention of damage and accidents in the water supply and sewage system, in compliance with established norms for potable water losses; and (e) state and conditions of exploitation of underground water wells, regardless of their forms of ownership.
The President, for the purpose of radically improving the provision of quality potable water to the population, efficient operation of the facilities of the water supply and sewage system, rational use of the potable water resources, as well as the creation of a unified system of state control over the use of potable water, decrees to establish the State Inspectorate on Potable Water Control subordinated to the Cabinet of Ministers with territorial inspections for monitoring the use of potable w
Presidential Decree No. UP-5018 On setting up the State Inspectorate on Potable Water Control subordinated to the Cabinet of Ministers .
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