The Decree establishes the obligation to notify to the competent authority any case (even if only suspected) of Newcastle disease. Article 4 states the tests to be carried out by the veterinarian for the diagnosis of the disease, and the quarantine measures to be taken in case the outbreak is officially detected (destruction of the animals, disinfection of breeding farms, epidemiological surveys, repopulation of the farms, etc.). Further provisions concern the establishment of a protection area with a minimum radius of 3 Km. within a surveillance zone with a minimum radius of 10 Km. The following precautionary measures shall be taken within the protection area: (a) census of the farms; (b) periodical tests and analyses; (c) isolation of the animals; (d) disinfection of the farms; (e) controls of the personnel and of the vehicles destined to the transport of animals, carcasses and eggs; (f) restrictions on the transport of animals and animal waste; (g) prohibitions regarding fairs, markets and animal shows. According to the provisions of article 16, the vaccination of the animals may be authorized by the Ministry of Health in addition to the measures already taken or for preventing the spreading of the disease. Said authorization may be granted upon submission of the following information by the competent authority: (a) characteristics and chemical composition of the vaccines; (b) modalities for their distribution, storage and use; (c) animal species to be vaccinated; (d) areas in which the vaccination shall be carried out; (e) reasons for which the vaccination is deemed necessary.
The Decree establishes the obligation to notify to the competent authority any case (even if only suspected) of Newcastle disease. Article 4 states the tests to be carried out by the veterinarian for the diagnosis of the disease, and the quarantine measures to be taken in case the outbreak is officially detected (destruction of the animals, disinfection of breeding farms, epidemiological surveys, repopulation of the farms, etc.). Further provisions concern the establishment of a protection area
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Presidential Decree No. 657 implementing Directive No. 92/66/EEC establishing common rules against the Newcastle disease.
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