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Without prejudice to the Community provisions governing intra-Community trade, this Directive defines the Community control measures to be applied in the event of an outbreak of Newcastle disease in (a) poultry; (b) racing pigeons and other birds kept in captivity. This Directive shall not apply where Newcastle disease is detected in wild birds living freely; however, in that case, the Member State concerned shall inform the Commission of any measure it takes. Member States shall ensure that there is compulsory and immediate notification of the suspected presence of Newcastle disease to the competent authority. Once the diagnosis of Newcastle disease has been officially confirmed in poultry, the Member States shall ensure that the competent authority establishes around the infected holding a protection zone based on a minimum radius of three kilometres. In this Directive are also laid down the procedure for cleaning and disinfecting an infected holding and the diagnostic procedures for the confirmation of Newcastle disease.
Without prejudice to the Community provisions governing intra-Community trade, this Directive defines the Community control measures to be applied in the event of an outbreak of Newcastle disease in (a) poultry; (b) racing pigeons and other birds kept in captivity. This Directive shall not apply where Newcastle disease is detected in wild birds living freely; however, in that case, the Member State concerned shall inform the Commission of any measure it takes. Member States shall ensure that the
Council Directive 92/66/EEC introducing Community measures for the control of Newcastle disease.
European Union
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