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The present Ordinance implements the Milk and Fat Act in its version of 10 December 1952. Article 1 establishes that milk, cream and yoghurt shall be officially controlled as laid down in the Annexes 1 to 3. The official control includes a sensorial examination, as well as a chemical, physical and bacteriological inquiry. The text consists of 6 articles as follows: Official quality control (1); Implementation of official quality control (2); Control on behalf of dairy enterprises (3); Other provisions on control (4); Penalties (5); Entry into force (6). Three Annexes are enclosed. Three Annexes are enclosed.
The present Ordinance implements the Milk and Fat Act in its version of 10 December 1952. Article 1 establishes that milk, cream and yoghurt shall be officially controlled as laid down in the Annexes 1 to 3. The official control includes a sensorial examination, as well as a chemical, physical and bacteriological inquiry. The text consists of 6 articles as follows: Official quality control (1); Implementation of official quality control (2); Control on behalf of dairy enterprises (3); Other prov
The present Ordinance is consolidated as of 13 March 2001.
Quality Control Ordinance.
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