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This Act establishes the Radiological Protection Institute of Ireland, which shall, among other things: monitor activity or ionising radiation levels in any thing in the State and in any waters, including international waters, surrounding the State; advise the Government, the Minister and other Ministers of the Government and the public, on measures for the protection of individuals in the State from radiological hazards; and assist in the planning and implementation of measures to deal with radiological emergencies. The Act also provides for control and protection of radioactive substances and in particular provides for the protection of food from contamination by sources of radioactive emissions. For this purpose, the Act assigns powers to the Minister of Agriculture and Food and to inspectors, also in respect to animals affected by radioactive sources.
This Act establishes the Radiological Protection Institute of Ireland, which shall, among other things: monitor activity or ionising radiation levels in any thing in the State and in any waters, including international waters, surrounding the State; advise the Government, the Minister and other Ministers of the Government and the public, on measures for the protection of individuals in the State from radiological hazards; and assist in the planning and implementation of measures to deal with rad
Radiological Protection Act, 1991 (No. 9 of 1991).
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